HOTLINE: 1900.9204


Endoscopy is the visual examination of interior structures of the body with an endoscope, a thin, flexible viewing instrument. It allows doctors to look for inflammation, tumors, infection and bleeding - revealing problems that do not show up on X-ray tests and often eliminating the need for exploratory surgery.

Types of endoscopic procedures include:
•    colonoscopy (colon area),
•    gastroscopy (stomach area) and
•    bronchoscopy (lung area).

When necessary, the physicians treating you on the Endoscopy Unit will also use a variety of other methods available at the hospital, including X-ray, ultrasound, CAT scan and MRI. These methods assist them in diagnosing or treating certain conditions.

Patients having endoscopy procedures are often sedated and, if needed, our anesthesia team can assist with procedures. Our patients receive their examinations in comfort with caring, highly specialized nurses and technicians assisting the physicians.

Endoscopy and colonoscopy are relatively painless examinations of the lining of the digestive tract using fiber-optic instruments which also permit biopsies and polyp removal.

Cutting-edge technology and equipment, including the latest in infection control systems, help the gastroenterologists and pulmonologists perform diagnostic and therapeutic procedures accurately and efficiently. Our patients often tell us that the dedicated, skilled endoscopy nurses and clinical staff help make their experience at the Endoscopy Center a pleasant one.

Opening: From Monday to Saturday

Morning: 7h30 to 12h00 - Afternoon: 13h30 - 17h00

No 11-13-15 Tran Xuan Soan Street, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi

Tel: 0243.622.77.99

HOTLINE: 1900 9204

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