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The development of society is proportional to the growth rate of cancer cases. In particular, in Vietnam, cancer cases in women are alarming. Let's go with Dr. Binh Tele_Clinic to learn and equip ourselves with the knowledge to protect ourselves from this "silent monster."


Equipping yourself with the necessary knowledge about common cancers in women will help you know how to prevent and detect the minor signs early to avoid cancer spreading to the body and causing difficulties in treatment. Here are some of the most common cancers that women can't ignore:

1. Breast Cancer

Talking about cancer in women, it is impossible not to mention breast cancer - the disease can appear at any age. Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in the breast cells and can spread to other organs. In Vietnam, by 2020, the number of breast cancer cases will be up to 22,612 - this is an alarming number for women's health status in the period of social development.


Breast cancer is one of the most dangerous cancers because, most of the time, there are no symptoms or apparent symptoms. Patients can only find out that they have breast cancer when the body has the following abnormal signs:

- In the breast with abnormally hard lumps, in some cases, the tumor can move when touching/pressing on the chest area;
- Breasts that are changed in size or have an unusual shape. This case is often confused with those who have plastic surgery;
- The breast feels painful, discharges or is inverted while in its normal state; this case is easy to miss because the patient doesn't notice or thinks that the chest muscle strain is due to exercise;
- Breast swelling, deformity accompanied by signs of skin irritation under the arm, under the breast;
- The areola or nipple has a marked color change, or there are signs of wrinkles or scabs.

Currently, there are no specific methods to prevent breast cancer altogether. However, patients, especially women, should have regular health check-ups and perform routine cancer screening if suspected. Ask your doctor, “when should breast cancer screening begin.” Usually, the age to perform this procedure is 45 years or older; in some cases, the screening will be indicated earlier.

Besides, patients need to follow a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, eat a lot of green vegetables and foods with antioxidants, and prevent the formation of cancer cells in general and breast cancer in general separately, limit the use of fats and stimulants, especially alcohol. According to research, alcohol can increase the risk of breast cancer.


2. Colorectal Cancer

The second most common disease after breast cancer is colorectal cancer. The condition is common in women and men, with about 1.4 million new cases yearly. Colorectal cancer is a disease in which cancer cells directly destroy the excretory system of the colon/rectum.

With colonic polyposis on the wall of the colon or rectum. Detecting colon polyps is critical in preventing and treating cancer because colon cancer comes from colon polyps. Therefore, regular screening for colon polyps can be detected early to avoid colon cancer development.


Pay attention to the following symptoms if the body often shows abnormal signs:

- Abdominal bloating, frequent belching, nausea/vomiting, weakness and fatigue: These are the first signs of colon disease and are often mistaken for "digestive disorders" by patients;
- Bloody stools or bleeding from the anus;
- Frequent diarrhea or constipation;
- Weight loss for no reason.

To prevent rectal cancer, patients must regularly perform colonoscopy - periodic rectal cancer screening. When performing endoscopy, doctors detect cancer cells not only time but also polyp cells before they develop into cancer. In addition, the screening method will be performed by more specialized tests; sometimes, the test results may be falsely positive, leading to a misdiagnosis.


3. Endometrial cancer

Endometrial cancer is a rather complex disease. Disease formation occurs in the endometrium (inner surface) of the uterus. The causes of this disease are very diverse; for example, for patients with a history of breast cancer, tamoxifen for treatment or ovarian cancer, must drink are all causes of endometrial cancer.

In addition, hormonal factors such as early menstruation, late menopause, infertility, family history of colorectal cancer or polycystic ovary syndrome can all become causes. to endometrial cancer. Most cases usually appear in women after age 60, and there is currently no screening method for early detection of the disease.


Pay attention if your body has abnormal symptoms: Unusual vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding after menopause, urinating more than usual or leaking urine during exercise, pain when urinating...

Controlling a reasonable weight appropriate for age is the method to prevent endometrial cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, overweight and obese women are three times more likely to develop endometrial cancer than women of average weight. According to some studies, using oral contraceptives after perimenopause can reduce the risk of endometrial cancer by up to 25%.

4. Lung cancer

Lung cancer is one of the modern problems not only in men but also in women. One of the leading causes of lung cancer is smoke and air pollution.

According to WHO, this is cancer with the highest mortality rate, and if cured, the rate of permanent disability is very high. The number of female lung cancer cases has increased by 98% over the past four decades, with the majority of lung cancer cases being never-smokers.


Contact your doctor to get screened if you notice signs of your body such as difficulty breathing, hoarseness, blood in the sputum, weight loss, cough that lasts and gets worse over time, swollen or enlarged lymph nodes Mass in the chest or the area between the 2 lungs, ... This is one of the symptoms that signal that the lungs are at risk of cancer.

Protect yourself from lung cancer by avoiding secondhand smoke to prevent "passive smoking," wearing a mask when going out, and regularly cleaning your house to limit fine dust. In the air,... Depending on your health condition, your doctor will prescribe aspirin for treatment.

Check out the Lung Cancer Screening Package HERE

5. Cervical cancer

For women, cervical cancer is almost an obsession because of the consequences it brings. And HPV is one of the leading causes of cervical cancer.

Do not be subjective with the following signs: abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge, pain or bleeding after sex, and pain in the lower abdomen… are all symptoms of cervical cancer.


Protect yourself by having regular health checkups, having regular gynecological exams, practicing safe sex using condoms, and getting the HPV vaccine. Besides, please perform screening and screening by routine HPV test and Pap test to detect early cervical cancer cell effects early, convenient for treatment.

Check out the Gynecological Examination Package for Women HERE

Cancer is a dangerous disease and does not discriminate between age or gender. Maintain a scientific lifestyle, have regular health check-ups to detect abnormal symptoms promptly and have reasonable treatment methods. The above are common cancers in women; hopefully, the information that Dr. Binh Tele_Clinic brings you practical knowledge in taking care and protecting the health of yourself and your family.

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